Puntius Titteya | The Colorful Gem of Your Community Aquarium

The Puntius titteya, fondly known as the cherry barb, is a vibrant and energetic fish that adds a splash of color to any freshwater aquarium. Originating from the lush waters of Sri Lanka, this miniature marvel has captured the hearts of aquarists worldwide with its captivating appearance, peaceful nature, and ease of care.

Delve into the fascinating world of the cherry barb as we explore its physical characteristics, habitat preferences, social behavior, breeding habits, and essential care requirements. Uncover the secrets to creating the perfect aquatic paradise for these tiny treasures and discover how their presence can transform your aquarium into a breathtaking underwater masterpiece.

Puntius Titteya: A Comprehensive Guide

Physical Characteristics

  • Size: Reaching a maximum length of 5 cm (2 inches), the cherry barb is a petite fish, perfectly suited for smaller aquariums.
  • Coloration: Its captivating beauty lies in its vibrant hues. Females boast a delicate fawn color with shimmering silver highlights, while males sport a stunning reddish-orange coloration that intensifies during breeding. Both sexes exhibit distinctive horizontal stripes, with the female’s stripes tinged with pink and the male’s deepening to a fiery red when ready to mate.
  • Sexual Dimorphism: This species exhibits clear sexual dimorphism, making it easy to distinguish between males and females. The male’s more vibrant coloration and deeper red stripes readily differentiate them from the females.

Habitat and Ecology

  • Native Range: The cherry barb calls the tropical waters of Sri Lanka home, where it thrives in heavily shaded, shallow, and calm water bodies with silty substrates and abundant leaf cover.
  • Water Parameters: These hardy fish prefer tropical temperatures, favoring a range of 73-81°F (23-27°C) with a pH of 6-8 and water hardness of 5-19 dH.
  • Behavior: Known for their peaceful nature, cherry barbs are highly social fish that flourish in schools of five or more individuals.

Aquarium Setup and Care

  • Tank Size: A minimum of 10 gallons is recommended for a small school of cherry barbs. However, a larger tank will provide ample swimming space and enhance their well-being.
  • Filtration and Water Changes: Maintaining excellent water quality is crucial for the health of your cherry barbs. Invest in a reliable filter system and perform regular partial water changes to remove waste and prevent water quality issues.
  • Substrate and Decorations: Mimicking their natural habitat, provide a soft, sandy substrate and plenty of live plants, driftwood, and rock formations to create hiding places and promote natural foraging behavior.

Diet and Feeding

  • Omnivorous Diet: Cherry barbs are omnivorous and enjoy a varied diet consisting of high-quality flake food, commercially prepared pellets, live or frozen brine shrimp, bloodworms, and blanched vegetables.
  • Feeding Frequency: Feed your cherry barbs small amounts of food several times a day to ensure their nutritional needs are met. Avoid overfeeding and monitor their feeding behavior to prevent obesity.

Breeding and Propagation

  • Egg-laying Species: Cherry barbs are egg-laying fish that readily reproduce in well-maintained aquariums. A conditioned pair can lay up to 200-300 adhesive eggs among plants or in a spawning mop.
  • Egg Care: It’s crucial to remove the eggs promptly after laying to prevent the parents from consuming them. The eggs hatch within a few days, and the fry become free-swimming shortly after.
  • Raising Fry: Provide the fry with appropriate food, such as infusoria or finely crushed flake food, and perform frequent water changes to maintain pristine water quality.

Behavior and Social Interaction

  • Schooling Behavior: Cherry barbs are highly social fish that thrive in groups, forming close bonds with their fellow schoolmates. A school of five or more individuals is recommended for optimal social interaction and stress reduction.
  • Peaceful Nature: Renowned for their peaceful nature, cherry barbs make excellent companions for other non-aggressive fish species. Avoid housing them with larger or more aggressive fish that might bully or injure them.
  • Tank Mates: Ideal tank mates for cherry barbs include other peaceful community fish such as neon tetras, guppies, Corydoras catfish, and dwarf gouramis.

Health and Disease Prevention

  • Water Quality: Maintaining pristine water conditions is the cornerstone of preventing disease. Regularly monitor water parameters and perform partial water changes to keep the aquarium clean and free of harmful toxins.
  • Diet and Nutrition: Providing a balanced diet with a variety of nutrient-rich foods is essential for boosting your cherry barbs’ immune system and promoting overall health.
  • Stress Management: Minimize stress triggers by creating a tranquil environment with ample hiding places, avoiding overcrowding, and introducing new fish gradually.


  • What is the lifespan of a cherry barb?
    • Under optimal conditions, cherry barbs can live for up to 4 years, with some individuals reaching an impressive 7 years.
  • Are cherry barbs easy to care for?
    • Yes, cherry barbs are remarkably easy to care for, making them ideal for both novice and experienced aquarists.
  • Can I keep cherry barbs with other fish?
    • Absolutely! Cherry barbs are peaceful and compatible with a wide range of non-aggressive community fish.
  • What is the best way to breed cherry barbs?
    • Providing a well-maintained aquarium with suitable breeding conditions and introducing a conditioned pair will enhance breeding success.
  • What should I feed my cherry barbs?
    • Offer a varied diet consisting of high-quality flake food, pellets, live or frozen brine shrimp, bloodworms, and blanched vegetables.


The charming and vibrant cherry barb is a true gem for any community aquarium. Their captivating appearance, peaceful nature, and ease of care make them a beloved choice for aquarists of all levels. By providing a suitable environment, proper care, and a balanced diet, you can create a thriving community where your cherry barbs can flourish and bring endless joy to your aquatic world.