Orange Sunkist Shrimp are a popular choice among shrimp enthusiasts, particularly for beginners in the hobby. A general guideline suggests maintaining about 10 shrimps per gallon of water. These shrimps are peaceful and primarily spend their time grazing on algae and biofilm found on plants, glass, and substrate, making them excellent additions to aquascape tanks as part of the clean-up crew.
Caring for Orange Sunkist Shrimps is relatively easy, as they thrive in remineralized RO water or tap water. However, when using tap water, it’s essential to check for any harmful metals or chemicals, as water quality can vary. Additionally, when using fertilizers, ensure they do not contain copper, which can be detrimental to the shrimps’ health.
While there may be multiple colors of Neocaridina shrimp within the same line, it’s generally recommended not to mix them to maintain the purity of their genes. Mixing colors may result in offspring with a wild brown coloration.
Commonly known as Orange Sunkist Shrimp, Sunkist Shrimp, Pumpkin Shrimp, Orange Sakura Shrimp, or Orange Shrimp, these bright creatures add vibrancy to any tank. Their striking orange coloration makes them highly visible, particularly against dark substrates. The grade of Orange Sunkist shrimp can vary, ranging from a deep, saturated orange to a lighter hue.
The optimal water parameters for Orange Sunkist Shrimps are as follows:
- pH: 7.0-7.6
- General Hardness (GH): 7-9
- Carbonate Hardness (KH): 2-6
- Total Dissolved Solids (TDS): 120-250
- Temperature: 68°F-74°F
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